مستشفيات باقدو و الدكتور عرفان

مشافي وعيادات

   أُسس هذا الصرح الطبي عام 1982م، وتلتزم رسالته بأعلى المقاييس والمعايير المحلية و الدولية لجودة الرعاية الصحية الشاملة، وبما يلبي احتياجات وتوقعات العملاء من المرضى وعائلاتهم وكافة فئات المجتمع.


   Since we established this medical edifice in 1982 we have always been committed to providing the highest quality Comprehensive HealthCare Service that fulfills the National and International Standards of patient safety goals and meeting our Customers (Community, Patients and their families) needs and expectations. From this perspective the hospital’s administration is keen on continuous development and modernization of our Services, Physicians, Specialists, Hospital’s employees and Medical equipment.

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