فرناس للسفر و السياحة
- Adresse: شارع Tahlea، جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية
P.O صندوق 223345
Ville : Jeddah - Tel: 0096626633184 /
Fax: 0096626656588
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
Agences de voyages
Farnas Travel and Tourism is being managed by a board of highly qualified group of professionals under the inspiring chairmanship of Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Saleh Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi in affiliation with Al Rajhi Aviation Group. Besides the higher management committee, the group has the Regional and Field Managers, to control, promote, and monitor the company business. The Group is owned by the member of the well known Al Rajhi family with strong financial back ground. Besides of this we are supported with sister companies to facilitate to our clients, ground transportation, Hotel accommodation, Travel insurance, with catering units and restaurant chain plus Rent a car.
Contacter : فرناس للسفر و السياحة
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