- Adresse: EASTERN PROVINCE, Khobar, Al Yarmouk, Prince Turkey Street
PO BOX 250 - POSTAL CODE 31952
Ville : Al Khobar - Tel: +966 920 004 024 /
Fax: +966 138 327 012
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
Agences immobilieres
نسعى فى أدير بالدرجة الأولى لتلبية طموحاتكم والإرتقاء بالسوق العقارى لتقديم خدمات تتوافق مع ما تشهده المملكة العربية السعودية من تطور في جميع المجالات بشكل متسارع.
تأسست شركة أدير العقارية بجهود فريق عمل متميز يمتلك الخبرة العالية ويرتكز على إستخدام الأساليب الإبداعية والمبتكرة ويسعى أن تكون الشركة رائدة فى مجاله
Adeer Real Estate Service Company (W.L.L) was established in 2013. Its objective is to provide a wide range of international standard and innovative services in the real estate industry.
Today, Adeer has trail blazed new paths in real estate at every opportunity. Adeer was the first full-service real estate brand to launch a national website, stream listing videos online, create social media and iPad applications, design mobile-friendly sites and more.
Adeer will never stop moving and will always be at the forefront of providing exemplary service and trusted counsel to home sellers and buyers, in addition to best-in-class support and educational tools for its network of real estate professionals.
Contacter : ADEER
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