شركة رياض الدخيل اللتطوير والاستثمار
- Adresse: الشارع: طريق المدينة النازل / المركز السعودي للاعمال
الحي: الشرفية
المدينة: جدة
المملكة العربية السعودية
Ville : Jeddah - Tel: 00966138574417 /
Fax: 00966138575015
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
التجارة بالجملة والتجزئة في مواد البناء ( صحية - كهربائية - انشائية ) وشراء الاراضي واقامة المباني عليها واستثمارها بالبيع او الايجار لصالح الشركة وانشاء وتملك وادارة وتشغيل المصانع وتسويق منتجاتها .
Riyadh Al-Dakheel Group (RDG) is established on October 2000 in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia to work in the commercial, industrial, services, real estate and construction activities.RDG purpose of existing is to provide products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of our customers. RDG purpose will be achieved by its valuable group of experienced leaders whom are working in parallel with young teams of achievers. RDG is considered an extension for a family business established in Al-Qassim area by Shaikh Saleh Abdullah Al-Dakheel under the name of Construction & Building Establishment (CBE) that was established in 1969. CBE is specialized in the construction and trading of the building materials. CBE consists of Crusher Plant, Ready Mix Plant & Precast Plant.
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