الصاغي للمقاولات
- Adresse: Al Arbayeen Street
P.O Box 9305
ZIP Code 21413
Jeddah - Saudi Arabia
Ville : Jeddah - Tel: 0096626747875 /
Fax: 0096626798639
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
تعمل مؤسستنا في مجال المقاولات (بناء و تشييد) و تأجير المعدات الثقيله مشروع اعمال الصيانه لشوارع اسكان قوى الامن الداخلي بجده المقاول الرئيسي شركه زهران للتشغيل والصيانه
We, AHMED MOHAMMED SAGHI ESTABLISHED DURING 1999. Our work in the Fields of Building Construction and Rents Heavy Equipments and work as a Partner OR Representative with Foreign Manufacturing Industries inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and look forward to be a Joint Venture Company with companies OR Industries from outside Saudi Arabia, who wants to work within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the implementation of their projects and Support/Represents in the implementation of their smooth work in the future.
Contacter : الصاغي للمقاولات
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