الشركة العربية للمختبرات والتربة
- Adresse: الشارع: شارع بن رشيق
الحي: الأندلس
المدينة: الرياض
المملكة العربية السعودية
ص . ب: 46891
الرمز البريدي: 11542
Ville : Riaydh - Tel: 00966112372222 /
Fax: 00966112357434
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تقديم الخدمات الجيوتقنية والجيوفيزيائية الغير متعلقة بالبترول أو التنقيب عنه سواء على اليابس أو في البحر وفحص المواد الإنشائية والمباني والرصفات وإنشاء مختبر لمزاولة هذه الأعمال والقيام بأعمال الأساسات والأوتاد والحقن وتخفيض مستوى المياه
Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES) was established in Amman-Jordan in the year 1983 as a geotechnical and materials testing engineering organization. Today, ACES provides a complete range of specialized engineering services which include, additionally, quality control of projects, special studies, environmental studies and testing, and land and marine surveying.
All of ACES work is built around its commitment to deliver the best value for its clients in terms of responsiveness, consistency, quality and practical solutions. ACES main goal is to partner with its clients, understand and exceed their expectations.
ACES has a network of seventeen sister companies situated in eight countries. These sister companies are located in Amman, Aqaba, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al-Ain, Doha, Muscat, Jeddah, Riyadh, Al-Khobar, Ramallah, Gaza, Khartoum and Sana’a. ACES also undertakes projects in other countries including Azerbaijan, Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Angola, Djibouti, and Morocco, among others.
ACES has carried out thousands of projects for its clients in the Middle East and elsewhere. All ACES’ projects, regardless of the size, are approached with the expertise, technology and equipment required to meet the client’s needs.
In 2009, ACES has established four highly specialized Regional Centers of Excellence (RCE) to enhance its leadership and competitive position in its markets of operation. The four RCEs are geophysical studies, pile testing and instrumentation, pavement studies and evaluation, and land and marine surveying.
ACES quality culture has been inspired by its leadership and has been systemized and imbedded in all internal processes and operations. ACES quality management system has been built in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2008, ISO/IEC 17025-2005 and principles of business excellence. In addition, the quality system provides general policies and procedures to demonstrate ACES ability to consistently provide services that meet customers and applicable regulatory requirements.
Contacter : الشركة العربية للمختبرات والتربة
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