- Adresse: PO. Box 8080 Riyadh 11482
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ville : Riaydh - Tel: 0096612484444 /
Fax: 0096612485486
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Club sport
Arizona Golf Resort represents a luxury modern residential resort created in 1994 with a mixed of green nature in the heart of Riyadh, located away from traffic and presenting the Art of Nature.
represents a luxury modern residential resort created in 1994 with a mixed of green nature in the heart of Riyadh, located away from traffic and presenting the Art of Nature.
We are confident that you will be impressed by the quality of lifestyle that we have here and with the exceptional five stars residential housing that we offer.
Recreation is a premium part of Arizona Golf Resort, where we dedicate more than 140,000-meter sq. green landscaping for your relaxation and leisure.
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