- Adresse: P.O. Box # 5858 Jeddah 21432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Communication - Publicite
شركة Energize Marketing :تعتمد شركتنا على فريقنا المدرب تدريبا عاليا مع أحدث التقنيات. لدينا فريق من كبار الخبراء المتخصصين في التسويق المباشر والاتصالات. نحن نجمع بين قدرات فريقنا وأدوات التقنية المختلفة لتحقيق احتياجات العميل. لدينا أكثر التقنيات تطوراً للحصول على الحلول التسويقية الصعبة.
We know that our Clients require results and results is what we offer them.
We have been in the business since 2000, started by serving very few customers based on commitment and accountability. Now Energize Marketing serves more than 100 clients within the 13 regions of Saudi Arabia and most of them are multinational companies.
Proud to say that we have worked hard to enable our clients to achieve their goals and to generate results. To ensure quality in performance, our field staff and top management keep a close eye on every executed project.
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