السويكت للنفط و الغاز
- Adresse: P 0 Box 31800
AI-Khobar 31952
Saudi Arabia
Ville : Al Khobar - Tel: 00966138580509 / 00966138579780
Fax: 00966138591563
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
Gaz industriel
In joint venture with the Egyptian Drilling Company, AISuwaiket commenced its oil and gas well drilling activities in the mid 1990's. Through hard work backed by very adequately equipped drilling rigs, and supported by highly experienced and well trained drilling personnel we were able to establish ourselves among the top ranks of the leading drilling companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.To further establish our presence in the oil and gas domain and in line with the directives of the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia we embarked on a Saudization program of the oil & gas division employees whereby, by the turn of the century, the percentage of Saudi Arabian employees of the total personnel employed in AISuwaiket's oil & gas division exceeded 55%.
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