فندق البلاد
P.O.Box 6788
Jeddah 21452
Saudi Arabia
Ville : Jeddah - Tel: 00966126944777 /
Fax: 00966126943737
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
An oasis of hospitality situated right by the Red Sea, half way between the airport and the city center.
Eye catching ultra modern facilities in harmony with a serene and soothing atmosphere.
When it comes to get on a business trip in a relaxed atmosphere or holiday making, Albilad Hotel – The renowned business resort in Jeddah, is the destination.
The fabulous tropical gardens are prestigious and enthralling; strolling in the lawns or relaxing under the setting sun in a late evening is an unforgettable experience.
Contacter : فندق البلاد
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