الحسين و العفالق للخرسانة الجاهزة و الطابوق و الكنكري

  • Adresse: Al Ahsa HACO Head Office Ain Najim Road, P.O. Box 200, Al Ahsa, Postal Code 31982 Saudi Arabia

    الاحساء31982 المملكة العربية السعودية
    Ville : Al-Ahsa
  • Tel: 0096635877711 /
    Fax: 0096635850473

Materiaux de construction


   أول مورد للخرسانة الجاهزة الخرسانة في منطقة احساء وكان على مر السنين بنينا سمعة التي هي مرادفة موثوق بها، وخدمة سريعة وذات جودة عالية .

   Al Houssain & Al Afaliq Company HACO is the first Ready Mix Concrete supplier in Al-Ahsa, and the company has built a reputation over the years that is synonymous with reliability, fast service and high quality products. Increased production capability from 50 cubic meter per hour in 1976 to 800 cubic meter per hour at present time had made HACO the pioneer and leading supplier of high quality Ready Mix concrete, Masonry and Insulated Blocks, and aggregate

HACO played a major role in the construction and development in A Ahasa area, by providing the industry with high quality products conforming to the internationally accepted Standard and Specifications; for both big and small projects that include: Commercial and Industrial buildings, Schools, Palaces, Mosques, Hospitals and Housing projects.

For more than two decades, HACO maintained to be the Approved Vendor of SAUDI ARAMCO, Saudi Electricity Company SEC, and the Ministry of Communications in the area.

Contacter : الحسين و العفالق للخرسانة الجاهزة و الطابوق و الكنكري

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