مؤسسة عبداللطيف حسين أبو الجدايل للتجارة جدة

  • Adresse: P.O.Box 10077 Jeddah 21433

    ا لمملكة العربية السعودية,21433 جدة
    Ville : Jeddah
  • Tel: 0096626449181 /
    Fax: 0096626449781

Produits chimiques



    Started in Jeddah on 1984 when Sheik Abdullatif Hussein Abuljadayel acquired distributorship licenses of two US companies, Hach for Water Quality Analysis Systems and NCH for Industrial Maintenance Chemicals. During this period, with the commitment, hard-work and aspiration, we developed into one of the leading supplier of our product line.

A few years later after it had been established in Jeddah, with our aim as well as ideas and demands from our clients to extend our services throughout the kingdom, we established two branch offices, in Riyadh and Al-Khobar which are vital cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With these branches and Jeddah Head office, we had more rapid distribution and prompt technical assistance to our clients.

Contacter : مؤسسة عبداللطيف حسين أبو الجدايل للتجارة جدة

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