مجموعة جند الدوليه للخدمات الأمنيه
- Adresse: Jubail Saudi
Ville : Al Jubail - Tel: 00966138144477 / 00966138143740
Fax: 00966138143739
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Securite et surveillance
متخصصين فى الحراسات الأمنيه والصناعيه & جميع أعمال الصيانه والتشغيل & ومصرح لنا رسميا من قبل وزارة الداخليه ومصنفين من الدرجه الثالثه &ومعتمدين أيضا من قبل شركة أرامكوا السعوديه والعديد العديد
Jond for Security Services is a recognized leader in the Security and Safety Services industry through out the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia . The Company has been established by His Highness Prince Faisal Bin Saad Al Saud and is ably partnered and assisted in its operations by Colonel Misfer Al Maimuni who has had extensive experience with the Saudi Arabian government in the field of security.Our Company's success in our operations depends mainly on the honesty, alertness and the good behavior of the staff we employ and deploy. We are proud to say that we provide our clients with personnel who meet the highest standards in the professional fields.
Contacter : مجموعة جند الدوليه للخدمات الأمنيه
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