STE للإتصالات
- Adresse: P.O. Box 391
Jeddah 21411
المملكة العربية السعودية, جدة
Ville : Jeddah - Tel: 0096626294135 /
Fax: 0096626294084
Gsm: - Envoyez nous un E-mail
We STE are multi branch manufacturing exporting and distributing Establishment.
We have our own manufacturing lines in China, Taiwan, Russia, Germany and Canada.
Since we started in 1998 we keep growing and expanding until we are recognized in the
Saudi market for our high quality products and services with best prices and excellence services.
Our head quarter in Jeddah and our branches located in Riyadh and Dammam.
Contacter : STE للإتصالات
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