شركة مصنع الشرق الاوسط للصناعات الحديدية والخشبية

تأسست METALCO في العام 1997، وبدأت كشركة مصنعة الباب للسوق المحلية في المملكة العربية السعودية. على مر السنين توسعت METALCO لتصل لكل دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا. تعتبر METALCO واحدة من الشركات المصنعة الرائدة للأبواب في الشرق الأوسط. METALCO تقوم بتصنيع الأبواب المعدنية المجوفة العادية والمقاومة للحريق والأبواب الخشبية العادية والمقاومة للحريق مع إطار من الصلب. ميتالكو هي الشركة الوحيدة التي تقدم الحلول المثلى الأبواب. ميتالكو توفر جميع أنواع الأبواب من الخشب الصلب للفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ لمزيج من الصلب مع إطارات بأوراق الخشب ويقدم الأبواب جاهزة للتركيب.

METALCO was founded on year 1997 and started as a door manufacturer for the local market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through the years METALCO has expanded its horizons to the GCC, Middle East and Africa.

METALCO is considered to be one of the leading door manufacturers in the Middle East. METALCO manufactures normal and fire rated hollow metal doors, normal and fire rated wooden doors and combination of wood leaf with steel frame.

Metalco is the only company who provides Doors Optimal Solutions. Metalco provides all kinds of doors from Wood to Steel to Stainless steel to combination of Steel frames with wood leaves and provides door Hardware.

: Produces wooden doors and frames comply to the American standards and the européen standards

Non fire rated wooden doors
Acoustical wooden doors
Combination of wooden leaf with steel frame
Fsc doors
Kengsa doors and halspan doors


Non Fire Rated Wood Doors
Solid Panel Doors
Non Fire Rated Flush Doors
Non Fire Rated Acoustic Doors
Non Fire Rated Lead Lined Doors

Fire Rated Doors - US Standard (Wood Door Leaf with Hollow Metal Frame)
30 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
45 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
60 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
90 Minutes Fire Rated Doors

Fire Rated Doors - British Standard (Wood Door Leaf with Wood Frame)
30 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
45 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
60 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
90 Minutes Fire Rated Doors
120 Minutes Fire Rated Doors

Frames for Wood Door Leaf
Engineered Wood Hollow Metal
Stainless Steel

Wooden Accessories
Wood Glass Beads
Wood Louver
Wood Astragal
Wood Architrave

Wood Materials, Finishes and Designs
Timber Species
Leaf Faces and Finishes (Veneer Species)
Door Designs
Leaf Subfaces

Hollow Metals: Produces Hollow Metal Doors And Frames Comply To The American Standards
And The European Standards
Non Fire Rated Steel Doors
Fire Rated Steel Doors
Fire Rated Access Panels Acoustical Steel Doors
Non Fire Rated Stainless Steel Doors
Fire Rated Stainless Steel doors
Wood texture steel door


Non Fire Rated Metal Doors
Hollow Metal Doors
Stainless Steel Doors
Lead Lined Doors

Fire Rated Metal Doors Steel
Metalco 45 Min Single Flush Fire Door
Metalco up to 3 Hours Steel Stiffened Fire Door
Metalco up to 90 Minute Steel Stiffened Fire Door Pair

Fire Rated Metal Doors Stainless Steel
Metalco up to 3 Hours Vertically Stiffened Stainless Steel Fire Door (Pair)

Metal Frames
Single Rebate Slide-In
Double Rebate Slide-In
Single Rebate Corner Frame
Double Rebate Corner Frame
Single Rebate Wrap Around Frame
Double Rebate Wrap Around Frame

Manufacture all kind of metal works of custom made doors, special doors comply to the american standards and the european standards
Blast doors
Bullet proof doors Sliding doors
Folding doors
Pvc laminated doors
Steel lintel
Security doors


Acoustic Metal Doors
Blast Resistant Doors
Bullet Proof Doors
Sliding Doors
Security Doors

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