خدمات عقارية

   تُعد شركة آل سعيدان للعقارات من أعرق الشركات العقارية في المملكة العربية السعودية والعالم العربي على حد سواء ولها تاريخ يمتد لأكثر من 80 عاماً يزخر بالإنجازات التنموية في مجال تطوير وبناء المراكز التجارية والسكنية، وبيع وشراء العقارات، وتقديم الاستشارات العقارية والتقييم والتثمين.

كما تعد الشركة مصدراً رئيساً للمعلومات العقارية المحلية والدولية. تحظى الشركة بثقة عملائها وتربطها علاقات راسخة بالوكالات العقارية المهمة في العالم العربي، وشمال أفريقيا، والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والدول الأوربية تهدف إلى تبادل المعلومات عن الأسواق وتقديم خدمات متميزة للعملاء.


   Al-Saedan Real Estate Co is one of the top leading real estate companies within the Arab world. The company has a strong profile of developmental achievements in the field of plan development, building commercial and residential centres, selling and buying local and international real estate, providing consultation in real estate services and providing valuation and estimation services. Al-Saedan Real Estate Co is one of the most important sources of information regarding local and international real estate.

The Company keeps a close relationship with the important real estate agents in the Arab world, North Africa, US and the European countries to exchange market information and this helps us provide very reliable services to our clients.

– Disciplined collective work.
– To improve the professional real state at the level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
– Commitment to the applied systems, policies and institutional procedures.
– Commitment to self and collective development for competencies.
– Encouragement to spread the spirit of belonging to the company.
– To respect customers.
– Commitment to honesty and integrity at work.

To be the preferred strategic partner in providing innovative real estate solutions that meet the needs of society and clients both locally and internationally.

We will continue to offer our customers and society the products and innovative real estate services needed to fulfil their needs at competitive prices through organized work and qualified staff with full commitment to the values and principles of Islam.

– Planning and development of residential areas inside and outside of major cities to meet the needs of different social strata.
– The design and implementation of modern office buildings equipped with smart facilities to meet the needs of the major corporate sector, supermarkets and banks.
– Establishment of commercial centers according to the latest international specifications to meet the marketing and entertainment needs of the Saudi family.


يجب ملء الخانات التي تحمل علامة (*)