رامتان للمعارض والمؤتمرات

   انطلقت رامتان لتنـظيـم المعـارض والمؤتمرات في مدينة الريــاض العاصمـة السعوديـة قبل مـا يزيــد على 16 عاما وفي سنوات قليلة احتلت مكـانتها المعروفة في صناعة المعارض والمؤتمرات داخل السعوديـة كمـؤسسة متميـزة في أعمالها وما تديـــره وتنظمــه من فعاليــات داخل السعودية وخارجهـــا وفـي السنوات القليلة الماضيــة استطاعت إنجاز مجموعة واسعة من الفعاليات المتخصصة في مجال المعـارض المحليــة والــدوليــة والمؤتمرات والندوات ذات الـرعايـة المميزة في مستواها من القيـادات الحكوميـة العليا في المملكة وفي بعض دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.


   Ramtan Exposition & Conference Organizing was founded in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, before more than 16 years. Within few years it took its well- known place in exhibition and conference manufacturing as a distinguished establishment in organizing national & international events. During the past few, it succeeded to achieve a large specialized events of special sponsorship. ( plz. Go to our expertise ) It is recorded to Ramtan to organizeThe First Exhibition in Real Estate Sector in Saudi Arabia & GCC. In addition to organizing ( Made in Saudi Arabia Exhibition which took place in Kingdom Of Bahrain. The real estate exhibition set off as ( Riyadh Real Estate & Urban Dev.) before 14 years . By its turns, it became the largest and most important real estate exhibition in Saudi Arabia and GCC. Its strength, size and importance comes out of its media, marketingrole & attendance and addition to its being in Riyadh as a pioneer gulf capital for investment.

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