الحمادي لتقنية المعلومات

   قع شركة الحمادي تقنية المعلومات في الرياض، عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية. وقد تم تأسيسها في عام 1999 من قبل محمد صالح الحمادي. وكان الحمادي قوة لا يستهان بها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط منذ أكثر من 40 عاما مع سمعة المنشأة في البناء والرعاية الصحية والاستيراد والتصدير، والسياحة، والآن في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات


   AL HAMMADI Information Technology is based in Riyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established in 1999 by Mohammed Saleh Al Hammadi.AL HAMMADI has been a significant force in the Middle East for more than 40 years with established reputations in construction, health care, import-export, tourism and now in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

•Al Hammadi Information Technology is a Google Apps Reseller that can help you recognize the full benefits of Google Apps. Whether you are still evaluating cloud solutions or ready to make the move to Google Apps, tap into our expertise to make it a smooth experience.

•Google Apps Services

•Technical support, Guidance, Setup, Advanced services

•Google Enterprise Partner l

Gifted teams of communications specialists have been assembled to staff these divisions and international partnerships have been made with companies in the USA, UK, India and Singapore to support the total effort. From medical guidance and tourism to the hi-tech of information technology AL HAMMADI is emblematic of the great achievements of the Middle East’s past, present and future..

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