
   إن معرفتنا وقدراتنا في شركة الجيل هي التي تعرّف عنّا وتحدد هويتنا، فلا نسعى لتقديم الحلول المتكاملة وأحدث تكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحية فحسب، بل نستثمر كل خبراتنا ومهاراتنا في تطوير قدرات شركائنا وتعزيز إمكانياتهم مما يساهم في علاج المريض ومعافاته، وذلك لأن صحّتكم هي أولويتنا.


   At Al Jeel, we define ourselves by the knowledge we provide.

Not only do we offer turnkey solutions and superior healthcare technology, but we also dedicate our expertise to help develop our healthcare partnersskills, enhance their proficiencies, and directly contribute to patients treatment and wellbeing.

Patients'health is our priority.

Our Vision To excel in providing best-in-class solutions and quality services for our customers, and value growth for our stakeholders.

Our Mission Employing creative and competent people and working with quality suppliers Providing the best value and services to our customers Becoming an industry leader in operational efficiency.

Focusing our resources on relevant growth sectors of the Saudi economy and attaining leadership status by developing scalable and profitable businesses.

Enhancing our employees' quality of life.

Our Values People:

To attract, retain, and motivate highly talented employees, empower them and offer them challenging career paths in a healthy work environment. Efficiency:

To allocate resources in the most effective manner, avoiding wastage, and achieving optimal returns.

Customer Focus:

To exceed customer expectations by continuously delivering to them the most relevant products and best service levels.

Respect & Fairness:

To deal with customers, partners, employees and authorities with the highest levels of integrity and respect, displaying fairness in all our interactions.


To maintain the highest levels of quality throughout our organization, and with all external stakeholders.


To operate in a socially responsible matter.

للاتصال ب : الجيل

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