شركة الخدمات الطبية المتخصصة

   تجارةالجملة والتجزئة في الأجهزة والمنتجات الطبية.


   ProMedEx is a medical devices distributor based in the Saudi Arabian market, selecting representation of manufacturers of innovative state of the art medical technologies. Professionally staffed and well financed with an aggressive marketing strategy, Promedex offers you the key to market penetration & expansion in market share from the Gulf market.

Though Saudi Arabia represents more than 75% of the Gulf Market for these medical innovations, ProMedEx has a region-wide portfolio plan to open in the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The company therefore has the technical expertise and geographical reach to sell and install medical equipment and supplies to private and public hospitals and medical centres throughout the Gulf.

At ProMedEx, we move with strategic actions to deliver innovations to improve the quality of life of patients in the Gulf area. We are inspired by the needs of these patients and health care providers who treat them. The company also plays an active part in developing the skills of leading medical practitioners.

There is a fundamental that serves the foundation of our company: We provide solutions

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