بلفال للصناعات الثقيلة

   بلفال للصناعات الثقيلة من أكبر الشركات المتخصصة في تصنيع الصلب الثقيل في الشرق الأوسط. لدى بلفال مصنعين كبيرين في مدينتي الجبيل وينبع الصناعيتين. وتمتد مرافق التصنيع وفناء التجميع في الجبيل على مساحة 350,000 متر مربع بمساحة مغطاة تساوي 50,000 متر مربع. كما تمتد مرافق التجميع في ينبع على مساحة 140,000 متر مربع مع مساحة مغطاة تساوي 13,000 متر مربع.


   BILFAL, established in 1983, is one of the largest and specialized heavy steel manufacturing companies in the Middle East. BILFAL have two large factories strategically located at Jubail and Yanbu Industrial Cities. The Jubail fabrication facilities and assembly yard extends over an area of 350,000 sq.m. with a covered area of 50,000 sq.m. The fabrication facilities in Yanbu consists of an area of 140,000 sq. m. with a covered area of 13,000 sq. m.

BILFAL is a Saudi Company, established on June 23rd 1983. 50% of the company shares is owned by Al-Bilad Group and 50% by FAL Group. The company has its Head Office in Jubail Industrial City and a branch in Yanbu. BILFAL acquired a leading role in the world thanks to its highly advanced technology in several industrial fields together with management, competence and financial soundness

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