شركة إن تي جي كلاريتي نتويركس إنك

خدمة الإنترنت



   NTG Clarity is a leader in delivering network, IT and infrastructure solutions to telecommunications service providers. With offices and operations located internationally, and a professional team of more than 200 people, NTG Clarity works in partnership with our clients to provide a single source of design, documentation and implementation expertise on an outsourcing or consulting basis.

For NTG Clarity Networks Inc. stock-related information, visit the TSX Venture Exchange. Please note that all quotes are delayed at least 15 minutes unless otherwise stated and are believed to be accurate but no guarantee or warranty is given by TSX Venture.

The ultimate measure of our success, and the key to our growth, is our ability to understand our customers' goals, to deliver services and products that outperform our customers' expectations, and to ensure their loyalty by providing consistent levels of support.

NTS will be the leading OSS/BSS product worldwide.

NTG Clarity Networks Inc. is an international company with a goal to be the leading competitive provider of high quality OSS/BSS systems to our customers, while creating an environment of success for our customers, employees and shareholders.

NTS is a totally different kind of product… the kind of product our competitors would like to have if they could start developing all over again.

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