مؤسسة ابداع الحدث

   تختص مؤسسة ابداع الحدث بتنظيم المعارض والمؤمؤات بكل احترافية بفريق عمل احترافي مختص في مجال المعارض والمؤتمرات ايضاَ بأمكان ابداع الحدث تنفيذ الاعمال التلفزيونية من دعايات وافلام وثائقية بفريق مختص واحترافي .


   Our customers are successful so look for success we creativity event (Creavents) seemed after creativity and it became our speciality. we are one of the national institutions which includes several sections characterised by the management of official events and the organisation of conferences, exhibitions, television production and advertising for all government and private sectors. THE CREAVENTS TEAM we in ( Creavents ) have specialised teams working to harness all the technical means and modern media to promote the status of our customers.

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