الأهلية للتأمين

   تأسست شركة الأهلية للتأمين في العام 1967 و قد اكتسبت منذ ذلك التاريخ سمعة طيبة و مصداقية ممتازية و حصلت على ثقة الزبائن في البحرين. قامت الشركة، و منذ ذلك التاريخ بتوظيف مواردها (الكادر الوظيفي و التقنية المتطورة) بشكل سليم لتقديم أفضل الخدمات. تتمثل رسلة الشركة في تقديم أعلى مستويات الجودة من الحماية و الأمان، كما تتجسد جلية في شعار الشركة. و من خلال التكيف و الإبتكار نعزز التزامنا التام لخلق عد أفضل لزبائننا و كافة المتعاملين معنا.


   We are one of the oldest public shareholding companies providing all classes of insurance in Bahrain. Established in 1976 and gained tremendous credibility in a highly competitive market. In our continuous endeavor to provide the best services to our clients, we have constantly made efforts to employ human and technological resources to enhance our position and performance.

Keeping in mind our commitment to becoming the leading insurer of the nation, and being fully aware of the challenges ahead, we have already seen the positive results of the ceaseless efforts of our staff who are actively involved in creating social awareness about the value of insurance, reaching the various segments of society.

We shall continue to explore the avenues to adapt our products to suit the ever-changing needs of the society, and introduce new products that would meet the needs of future lifestyles.

Our mission for the millennium is to continue adding value to all facets of living in our society, expand to neighboring states and to invest in today for the future of the nation.

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